Are we there yet?

I don’t know about you, but it feels like I’ve been on this journey for at least 6 months. It’s not that I’ve been bored or struggling to fill my time, it’s more about where my long-term focus has been. I’ve realised that I’ve given away my power to enjoy the now in return for the anticipation of knowing that normality has returned. We have arrived. It’s over. But when?

It’s a cliché right? Enjoy the journey, not the destination. Turns out when you don’t know where you are going, then it’s hard to focus on the journey, never mind enjoy it.

Some people are on a normal path. My wife is pretty much carrying on as normal, her work hasn’t changed, only her environment. Some are on a not-normal path. My eldest son was due to take GCSE exams (would have started this week) and his life is completely changed. No exams, virtual learning, no contact with friends.

Some people are baking, some are learning a new language, some are doing unlimited exercise (ha!), some are ignoring the rules. But most of us (sorry to generalise) are just trying to keep going right? Wake up, breakfast, make your bed (it’s the 1st step to success!) brush your teeth, then… something, and repeat. With no sign of the kids going back to school, friends over for bbq, summer holidays, it’s going to be a long 5-months. 113 days till September 3rd when term might begin again.

Personally, I jump between wanting rigid structure, plans and deadlines and wanting open space and nothingness. I do spend a lot of time wondering / worrying about my 2 kids and how to occupy their minds / bodies with useful information and activities for the best part of half a year. I think it’s going to get a bit easier once we are allowed ‘out’ more. Parks, galleries, museums, castles and beaches are such great places to spend time and thoughts, and I really miss days out right now.

So, knowing that the destination is unclear, the time of arrival is unclear, the only thing I’ve got control of is the journey. It’s up to me how I occupy my time and how I encourage others to do so. Actually having less freedom, less options actually gives me a better chance to get things done.

Now, I’m not saying that we all have to become bi-lingual, mono-cycling triathletes before September, in fact, please don’t. Well, if you want to, go right ahead. What I’m saying is, understand there’s a bunch of things we have no control over, but there’s more things that we do have control over. We have control over how we live each day and how we spend our time. How we guide and influence and how we love. Be aware of the things you can control and take control of those things.

Make sure the destination you have in mind is one you can reach, that you know how to get there and take active steps every day to make progress towards the destination. You’ll never have to ask ‘are we there yet’ ever again, because you will know when you have arrived.

Take care of each other.


What’s your superpower?


Shall we play a game?