Steven Yates Steven Yates

Music & Mood

Those of you that know me, know I love music. Always did, always will. If I’m not listening to music, I’m playing music.

Those of you that know me, know I love music. Always did, always will. If I’m not listening to music, I’m playing music. If I’m not playing music I’m thinking about music. One of the most amazing things about being alive today is that we can have all our music everywhere, all the time. We used to be restricted by hardware (who could take their record player everywhere?) and format (don’t have a CD player in your car?) or access (didn’t bring your favourite tunes to the beach?). All of that has been swept away with digital formats and streaming.

I can listen to a song in my kitchen on bluetooth speakers, get in the car and plug my phone into the stereo to continue - then jump out of the car, plug in my headphones and I’m still there. In the moment. It’s magical.

I’ve got pretty eclectic taste, I grew up listening to the Beatles and the Police and ABBA. My teenage years were spent with Iron Maiden, Faith No More and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. My autumn years (<another blog post!>) are sprinkled with ambient music, some jazz, some heavy metal and occasional girl bands. As I get older I care less about fitting in and more about standing out. About being myself, and being the best version of myself. Music is the soundtrack to all of that. Sometimes I’m feeling like a pop princess, sometimes and ambient mage, sometimes a rock god. I love being all those things.

Mood > actions < Music

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